Trainings offers

Researchers Schools / Workshops

List of training courses available on MetaboHUB

13C Fluxomics

Scope: international
Objective: The aim of this one week session is to assist scientist in the analysis of their metabolic profiles. Trainee is fully integrated in a computational biologists team and can directly interact with them on a daily basis. The objective is to reach autonomy on the usage of metabolomics data analysis in the context of genome scale network. Participants, in agreement with trainers, have to prepare their data prior to their venue to allow efficient training.
Audience: Scientists seeking training in 13C fluxomic experimentation
Number of participants: from 3 to 10
Duration: One week
Dates and place of the next session:
dates on request, place : Toulouse
Module 1: Metabolic networks and Fluxomics in systems biology
Objective of training: Deliver an overview of the theorical aspects of metabolic network and fluxomics analyses in the field of systems biology.
Module 2: Experience with 13C labelling
Objective of training : Deliver up to date training on sample preparation for analysis of metabolic flux
Module 3: Contribution of Mass Spectrometry in Fluxomics
Objective of training: Deliver up to date training on the basics and analytical technology developments of mass spectrometry analysis for Fluxomics
Module 4 : Contribution of NMR in Fluxomics
Objective of training : Deliver a training on the basics and analytical technology developments of nuclear magnetic resonance analysis for Fluxomics
Module 5 : Flux calculations
Objective of training : Deliver a training on the structure of a metabolic mathematical model and on theuseofinflux_s software utilization for flux calculations
module 6: High Throughput fluxomics
Objective of training: Introduce the basis on the high throughput approaches for fluxomics and present the different robotic systems available on the platform.
Contact: floriant.bellvert@insa-toulouse.frlindsay.peyriga@insa-toulouse.frWebsite:
Support: MetaToul

"On request"


Scope: International
Objective: The aim of this formation is to have the theoritical and practical basis to be able to analyse and quantify the main family of lipid (Fatty acid,  neutral lipids, abundant phospholipids and sphingolipids).The formation can be adapted on request to minor compound such as eicosanoides, isoprostanoin, oxysterols...
Audience: scientist interested in lipid analysis : student, engineer, researcher
Number of participants: 3-5 participants
Duration: 3 to 5 days depending of the program
Fees: depending on the training
Dates and place of the next session: on request, Toulouse, France
Programme: theoretical course for one day, 1 days sample preparation, 1 to 3 days for data processing and quantification.
Support: Metatoul

"On request"

13C-Fluxomics in Biotechnology

Objective: The objective is to acquire theoretical and practical
knowledge for the analysis of metabolic systems in
microorganisms using 13C-fluxomics approaches
Audience: The course is intended for PhD students, postdocs,
researchers, engineers or technical staff
from academia or industry with:
- basic/intermediate knowledge in
metabolism, microbiology and/or
- ongoing/forthcoming project regarding
metabolism, microbiology and biotechnology
Duration: 4 days - 30 hours
Fees: Academic : 900 €
Private Compagny : 1800 €
Dates and place of the next session: 06-09 October 2020, place : INSA Toulouse
Day 1
• General Introduction
• Biotechnology & Metabolism
• Metabolic systems
Day 2
• Module 1 « Experimental design and
sampling » (Theoretical and practical
courses) :
- Theoretical course
- Practical course
- High Throughput fluxomics
using a robotic platform
Day 3
• Module 2 « Analysis and data
• Module3 « Calculation of metabolic
fluxes »
• Module 4 « metabolic networks for
metabolome mining»
Day 4
• «Modelling metabolic fluxes in genomescale
metabolic networks»
• Feedback & round table
• Conclusion and Training evaluation

Support: MetaToul
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06-10 October 2020

e-MetaboHUB: W4M, MetExplore, NMRProcFlow, PeakForest

Workflow4Experimenters (W4E): Using Galaxy and the Workflow4metabolomics infrastructure to analyse your metabolomics data sets (joint training from IFB and MetaboHUB)

Scope: international
Objective: Pre-processing, statistical analysis, and annotation of metabolomics data is a complex task. The Workflow4metabolomics online infrastructure provides a user-friendly and high-performance environment with advanced computational modules for building, running, and sharing complete workflows for LC-MS, GC-MS, and NMR analysis (Giacomoni et al, 2015)
Audience: LC-MS, GC-MS and NMR experimenters (e.g. biologists, chemists)
Number of participants: 25
Duration: 1 week
Fees: 900 € (academia) and 2000 € (industry)
Dates and place of the next session: 08 to 12 Octobre 2018, Pasteur Institute (Paris)
Programme: During this one-week course, participants will learn how to use the W4M infrastructure to analyze their own dataset. Morning sessions will be dedicated to methodology and tools. Afternoon sessions will be devoted to tutoring.
Website: IFB, MetaboHUB, RFMF, ELIXIR

08 - 12 Octobre 2018

MetExplore personal training

Scope: international
Objective: The aim of this one week session is to assist scientist in the analysis of their metabolic profiles. Trainee is fully integrated in a computational biologists team and can directly interact with them on a daily basis. The objective is to reach autonomy on the usage of metabolomics data analysis in the context of genome scale network. Participants, in agreement with trainers, have to prepare their data prior to their venue to allow efficient training.
Audience: individual scientists willing to get autonomy on network analysis.
Number of participants: 1
Duration: few days to one week
Fees: 2500 € (academia) 5000 € (industry)
Dates and place of the next session: on request
Programme: MetExplore and Cytoscape
Website: www.metexplore.frSupport: INRA

"On request"