MetaboHUB est partenaire financier de ces manifestations.
MetaboHUB financially supports the following events
MetaboHUB a pour objectif de sustenter tous les domaines des sciences du vivant mettant en œuvre les approches de métabolomique, de lipidomique et de fluxomique.MetaboHUB aims to support all areas of life sciences using metabolomics, lipidomics and fluxomics approaches.
3rd International Plant Spectroscopy Conference
International Congres: 12-15 September 2022 (Nantes)

The topics of the 3rd International Plant Spectroscopy Conference include:
- FTIR (micro)spectroscopy
- Raman (micro)spectroscopy
- Autofluorescence spectroscopy and imaging
- Mass spectrometry and imaging
- NMR spectroscopy and imaging
- Related chemometric approaches
Topics will be introduced by :
- Monika Szymanska-Chargot - Warsaw, Poland
- Giovanni Agati - Florence, Italy
- John Ralph - Madison, WI, USA
- Annick Moing - Bordeaux, France
- Andreas Roempp - Bayreuth, Germany
- Anna de Juan - Barcelona, Spain
In addition to scientific sessions, four workshops will be proposed :
- Data analysis techniques
- Sample preparation
- Spectral technique selection
- Correlative and multimodal imaging
to encourage discussion, share experiences about practice, and improve technical skills and knowledge of attendees.
Metabolic pathways bioinformatics : from sequences to molecules
JOBIM conference: 6 July 2022 (Rennes) for more than 20 years, the JOBIM conference is the main French event in the bioinformatics field. The conference will host 5 mini-symposia, including one supported by MetaboHub which will focus on metabolite-centered analyses. The aim of this mini-symposium is to strengthen the interactions between sequence bioinformaticians, that are familiar with JOBIM, and bio- or chemo-informaticians that are more centered on molecules/metabolites and the strategies to monitor them into living organisms. Such people, especially those coming from chemistry, generally tend to attend conferences about metabolomics, chemical ecology, or chemoinformatics.
Toulouse School of Lipids
Thematic school: June14-15th, 2022 (Toulouse) School of Lipids is a 2-day course on lipid biochemistry in Toulouse (France) proposed for students, engineers and researchers who would like to discover the lipid world. Each family of lipids is described with its biosynthetic pathway, its roles in physio(patho)logy, then a focus is made on the analytical methods. The event is designed to accommodate around 100 people.
Workflow4Experimenters (W4E)
Course: March, 21-25th 2022 (Toulouse) this one-week course, attendees learn how to use the W4M infrastructure and analyze their own LC-MS, GC-MS, or NMR data. Morning sessions will be dedicated to methodology and tools. Afternoon sessions will be devoted to tutoring.