Formation « 13C-fluxomique appliquée aux cellules cancéreuses » FORMATION: 13C-FLUXOMIQUE APPLIQUÉE AUX CELLULES CANCÉREUSES |
Journées Lipidomystes Journées Lipidomystes Nous parlerons de préparation d'échantillons, de lipidomique globale, de traitement de données, de biophysique des membranes et de RMN... Voici le lien pour vous inscrire : |
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Workshop "Analyse et interprétation des données en protéomique et métabolomique : points communs et spécificités" Organisée conjointement par le R.F.M.F. - Réseau Français de Métabolomique et Fluxomique, la S.F.E.A.P. - Société Française d’Electrophorèse et Analyse Protéomique, ProFI - Infrastructure nationale de protéomique et MetaboHUB - Infrastructure nationale de métabolomique et fluxomique: Date : Mercredi 28 mars 2018Lieu : Forum Labo (Centre de congrès de Lyon)HALLS 4/5/6 - ENTREE B |
Intensive course at Tsukuba University (Japan) and Pontifical Catholic University of Chili The following intensive course has been held on February 26th - March 2nd 2018 at Tsukuba University (Japan) and from March 22nd -March 27th 2018 at Pontifical Catholic University of Chili. Subject name:Metabolomics: an emerging but powerful tool to study biology Lecturer:Dr. Dominique Rolin (Professor, University of Bordeaux) Credit:1.0 Credit Room:F106 seminar room, Institute of Biological Agricultural Science building Summary:In the post-genomics era, metabolomics represents a new « omics tool » that in the last decade has received increased attention in many biological fields such as white and green biotechnology, nutrition, plant physiology, microbiology, etc. Metabolomics is based on the holistic study of the metabolic profile that characterizes a specific phenotype in a biological system. This course is going to give an overview on metabolomics approach in biology and will present the technological diversity to carry out metabolic. Lecture schedule: 26-Feb. Introduction to functional genomic & metabolomics 27-Feb. Metabolomics and its workflow 28-Feb. NMR as analytical tool 1-Mar. LC-MS and GC-MS as analytical tools 2-Mar Examples of application |
Toulouse School of Lipids 2018 La Toulouse School of Lipids s'est déroulée les 29-30 et 31 janvier 2018 en français. L’objectif de cet enseignement est de donner aux participants les bases des connaissances sur les lipides, leur diversité, leurs biosynthèses et leurs rôles mais également de les familiariser avec les méthodes d’étude moderne de lipidomique. Les aspects les plus actuels de la recherche sur les grandes familles de lipides et leur implication en pathologie humaine seront abordés Télécharger le programme |
MetExplore Training Activity Scope: international |
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Training: Introduction to Metabolomics Analysis Date: Tuesday 20 March 2018 12:00 () - Friday 23 March 2018 14:00 () |
Workflow4Experimenters (W4E): Using Galaxy and the Workflow4metabolomics infrastructure to analyse your metabolomics data sets Scope: international
Objective: Pre-processing, statistical analysis, and annotation of metabolomics data is a complex task. The Workflow4metabolomics online infrastructure provides a user-friendly and high-performance environment with advanced computational modules for building, running, and sharing complete workflows for LC-MS, GC-MS, and NMR analysis (Giacomoni et al, 2015) Audience: LC-MS, GC-MS and NMR experimenters (e.g. biologists, chemists) Number of participants: 25 Duration: 1 week Fees: 900 € (academia) and 2000 € (industry) Dates and place of the next session: 08- 12 October 2018, Pasteur Institute (Paris) Programme: During this one-week course, participants will learn how to use the W4M infrastructure to analyze their own dataset. Morning sessions will be dedicated to methodology and tools. Afternoon sessions will be devoted to tutoring. Contact: Website: IFB, MetaboHUB, RFMF, ELIXIR Bilan de l’école « Workflow4Experimenters » qui s’est déroulé du 10 au 12 octobre à l’Institut Pasteur: Télécharger le fichier |