Nom des responsables de la structure
- François Fenaille
Tutelles de la structure
Personne référent pour les échanges avec MetaboHUB
- Florence Castelli
Site géographique
- CEA Saclay, Institut Joliot, Département médicaments et technologies pour la santé, Service de pharmacologie et d'immunoanalyse, Laboratoire Innovations en spectrométrie de Masse pour la Santé (LI-MS), Bâtiment 136, 91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex.
Adresse du site web
Domaine d’application
Human Health
Services types
The services offered by the platform are based on metabolomic analysis by mass spectrometry
Expertise and services
Biomarker research. Development of high resolution mass spectrometry methods, data science.
The platform has a recognized expertise in the development of non-targeted metabolomics, lipidomics and glycomics methods based on mass spectrometry for biomarker discovery. It also develops analytical methods for the absolute quantification of metabolites in biological media. The platform has been specialized for 15 years in the analysis by liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry for the detection, identification and quantification of small molecules in biological media, in particular in human biological samples. It also offers its expertise in bioinformatics and data science for the construction of databases, data pre-processing and data analysis using uni or multivariate statistics.
The research projects undertaken by Metabolome-IDF are carried out through numerous collaborations with medical teams in an academic, translational and personalized medicine context.
Expertise and services
Biomarker research. Development of high resolution mass spectrometry methods, data science.
The platform has a recognized expertise in the development of non-targeted metabolomics, lipidomics and glycomics methods based on mass spectrometry for biomarker discovery. It also develops analytical methods for the absolute quantification of metabolites in biological media. The platform has been specialized for 15 years in the analysis by liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry for the detection, identification and quantification of small molecules in biological media, in particular in human biological samples. It also offers its expertise in bioinformatics and data science for the construction of databases, data pre-processing and data analysis using uni or multivariate statistics.
The research projects undertaken by Metabolome-IDF are carried out through numerous collaborations with medical teams in an academic, translational and personalized medicine context.
Liste des équipements
- 2 LC-MS high-resolution Q Exactive (Thermo Fisher Scientific),
- 1 LC-MS high-resolution Q Exactive Plus (Thermo Fisher Scientific),
- 1 LC-MS high-resolution Q Exactive (Thermo Fisher Scientific) with capillary chromatography,
- 1 LC-MS high-resolution Orbitrap Fusion Tribrid (Thermo Fisher Scientific),
- 1 LC-MS high-resolution Q-TOF Impact HD (Bruker) with capillary chromatography,
- 1 MALDI-TOF/TOF Ultraflextreme (Bruker),
- 3 LC-MS TQ (Waters).
Démarche qualité
ISO 9001 certification
IBiSA certified platform