The French Institute of Bioinformatics (IFB)

Name of the responsible structure

  • Michel Gurvan

Guardianship of the structure

  • CNRS UMS 3601

Referent person for trade with MetaboHUB

  • Etienne Thévenot


  • Place Georges Teissier - Roscoff Biological Station 29680 Roscoff



Agro-food industry


ABiMS works with research teams in the framework of the formal scientific collaboration.
ABiMS offer different services:

  • A technical computing environment (Infrastructure as a Service - IAAS),
  • Advice and expertise in the analysis of omics data,
  • Software engineering (information system, database, ...)
  • Support for user-training
The training offer is based on the introduction of training modules environments (Linux, Cluster, etc.), use of tools (Galaxy, etc.) and languages (Perl, R, etc.), and understanding methods (RNA-seq, statistical analysis, etc.).
ABiMS is also able to offer training in order for communities (e.g. Metabolomics) or projects (thematic School).


  • 1 BDD servers (MysQL + PostgreSQL),
  • R 1 server,
  • 10 WEB servers,
  • 3 Galaxy servers for production (NGS, Metabolomics and Public),
  • Galaxy 1 development server,
  • 56 nodes calculations,
  • 1 master server,
  • 4 NFS servers.

Quality approach

ISO 9001